Psychologist - Kristina Malysheva

Христина Малишева та Олена Камінська в ефірі радіо місто над Бугом Час змін

Broadcast on Radio City on the Bug

Time for change with Khrystyna Malysheva and Olena Kaminska When we were invited to take part in the broadcast on Radio Mysto Nad Bugom - 101.8 FM, a line from the song of the band "Tartak" was playing in my head all day long: "Scroll this song on the radio" In fact, there was a […]

Онлайн консультации психолога в чем преимущества

What are the benefits of online psychological counseling?

What are the benefits of online psychological counseling? With the advent of the Internet and new technologies, it became possible to contact a psychologist online. This has become possible thanks to the growing popularity of telecommunications and web technologies that allow people to communicate with each other regardless of where they are. Now online counseling […]

Мужність бути психологічна група

On the TV channel VITA about the group Courage to Be

Psychological group for immigrants A psychological group for displaced persons "Courage to be" will work in Vinnytsia. The goal is to support those who are forced to flee the war in experiencing difficult feelings related to the consequences of military actions in Ukraine, as well as to help them adapt to life changes. About the […]

Психологическая тренинговая группа

Psychological training group

Psychological training group A psychological training group, group therapy has some definite advantages, allows you to work out a larger range of issues in a relaxed environment and can be suitable to a large extent for a wider range of people. If you are interested in group therapy, you can sign up for a psychological […]

Online consultation with a psychologist

Online consultation with a psychologist

Online consultation with a psychologist If a face-to-face meeting in the psychologist's office is not possible, an online consultation will be a good option. If you have simple technical means such as a laptop or smartphone and a fairly fast Internet, an online consultation with a psychologist is almost in no way inferior to a […]

Терапевтическая группа Где мои крылья Where are my wings

Therapy group "Where are my wings?"

Our psychological club “Presence” has had a therapeutic group “Where are my wings?” for more than six months, dedicated to overcoming apathy, lifelessness and stagnation. It is surprising that in search of wings - aspiration, inspiration, resources - the meeting participants and I constantly return to the topic of supports, rootedness and grounding. ⠀ The […]