
Time for change with Khrystyna Malysheva and Olena Kaminska

When we were invited to take part in the broadcast on Radio Mysto Nad Bugom - 101.8 FM, a line from the song of the band "Tartak" was playing in my head all day long: "Scroll this song on the radio"
In fact, there was a very lively and interesting conversation about the new project of the Psychological Club "Presence". I suggest watching the video recording of the broadcast.

Psychological group for immigrants

A psychological group for displaced persons "Courage to be" will work in Vinnytsia. The goal is to support those who are forced to flee the war in experiencing difficult feelings related to the consequences of military actions in Ukraine, as well as to help them adapt to life changes.

About the group

Practical psychologists, resettlers from Kharkiv, Khrystyna Malysheva and Olena Kaminska told about the group.
- This will be a mutual support group. The strongest emotion that people are experiencing right now is anxiety. The answer to anxiety is courage, the courage to endure guilt, fear of death, fear of the future, says Khrystyna Malysheva.